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(路透木浦%uE295B1首爾23日電)南韓客輪%uE6ADB2月號16日上午在西南海域翻覆%uE6B289沒,至今已超過一週。潛水員最近幾天在能見度差的海水中以雙手搜尋乘客,已尋獲數十具屍體,且許多屍體斷指。南韓「東亞日報」報導,過去兩天尋獲的多數屍體的手指斷裂,可能是急於努力逃出艙房的高中生在攀爬垂直的地板或天花板弄斷的。潛水人員%uE9BB83大植(Hwang Dae-sik,譯音)在首爾附近告訴路透社:「雖然我們接受的是在惡劣環境下%uE580BC勤的訓練,但在%uE9BB91暗的水中遇到屍體時,很難無動於衷。」%uE9BB83大植%uE8AAAA,他所屬的潛水隊至今尋獲了14具屍體,他%uE8AAAA:「我們必須用雙手觸摸%uE6AF8F個地方。這是我當潛水員以來最辛苦與心痛的一次工作。」中央社(翻譯)新聞相關影音 <button class="btn hide">Description Toggle</button> <ul class="RRThumbnailList"><li class="thumb_0 selected embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_1 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_2 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_3 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_4 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_5 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_6 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_7 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_8 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_9 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_10 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_11 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_12 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_13 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_14 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_15 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_16 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_17 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_18 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_19 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_20 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_21 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_22 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_23 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_24 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_25 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_26 embed_lightbox_thumb_large"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_27 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_28 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View <li class="thumb_29 embed_lightbox_thumb_small"> <i class="thumb-icon"></i> View 1 - 25 / 30 <ul class="bimgs"><li class="bimg_0 selected" style="margin-top:305.5px;"><meta itemprop="url" content="https://tw.news.yahoo.com/lightbox/南韓渡輪%uE6B289沒-slideshow/socorristas-cargan-el-cad-ver-un-pasajero-que-photo-101211958.html"><meta itemprop="name" content="Socorristas cargan el cad%uC3A1ver de un pasajero que iba a bordo del ferry hundido en las costas de Corea del Sur, en el puerto de Jindo, el 20 de abril de 2014. El Sewol se hundi%uC3B3 el mi%uC3A9rcoles con 476 pe"><meta itemprop="image" content=""><meta itemprop="width" content="1"><meta itemprop="height" content="1"><meta itemprop="caption" content="Socorristas cargan el cad%uC3A1ver de un pasajero que iba a bordo del ferry hundido en las costas de Corea del Sur, en el puerto de Jindo, el 20 de abril de 2014. El Sewol se hundi%uC3B3 el mi%uC3A9rcoles con 476 personas a bordo, la mayor%uC3ADa j%uC3B3venes estudiantes, y s%uC3B3lo hay 174 sobrevivientes. (Foto AP/Lee Jin-man)"><meta itemprop="thumbnailUrl" content="https://s3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/MbQLapTozyrYHs.ApsbnGw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTQ1MjtxPTc5O3c9MjU0/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/ap_webfeeds/dfdc25dd7ffee40f510f6a7067008669.jpg"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2014年4月21日週一 台北標準時間上午1時27分"><meta itemprop="headline" content="南韓渡輪%uE6B289沒 逾百人死亡"> Socorristas cargan el cad%uC3A1ver de un pasajero que iba a bordo del ferry hundido en las costas de Corea del Sur, en el puerto de Jindo, el 20 de abril de 2014. El Sewol se hundi%uC3B3 el mi%uC3A9rcoles con 476... 較多Socorristas cargan el cad%uC3A1ver de un pasajero que iba a bordo del ferry hundido en las costas de Corea del Sur, en el puerto de Jindo, el 20 de abril de 2014. El Sewol se hundi%uC3B3 el mi%uC3A9rcoles con 476 personas a bordo, la mayor%uC3ADa j%uC3B3venes estudiantes, y s%uC3B3lo hay 174 sobrevivientes. (Foto AP/Lee Jin-man) 較少 1 / 30 Associated Press 2014年4月21日週一 台北標準時間上午1時27分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image
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